So, if you are anything like me, your mind can go off on the most impressively random tangents and detours, often creating whole new sections of closet space in your brain. That is what happened with me recently.

I came across a cute collection of illustrations of what designers Disney characters would wear. Please don’t judge. It was as cutesy as you’d expect, yet still in absolutely set me off. I saw “Snow White” dressed in red from head to toe (bar a black strappy heeled sandal, also currently making it’s way to me…), and I had to get in on that certifiably bad ass action.

First step was to acquire all the reds. The first to arrive (yes, I said first), was this leather jacket. Sort of red, sort of burgundy, not quite fully one or the other. How I managed to buy it, I don’t even know, because I wasn’t the biggest fan of it (mental note: dig deeper into why the heck I bought something I wasn’t ecstatic about). Then it arrived. And it was love. And I may never take it off.

It isn’t traditionally a colour I’d choose, but now I am addicted to the edge it gives my typical all-black outfit. You will see this one a lot more.

Now the question is, have any of you ever been sartorially inspired by a cartoon or illustration?

xo, Ruvi